I just tried to install Neo4j Desktop 1.3.10 on Win 10.
Previously I had a version of Neo4j Desktop installed locally, which I removed by hand, as well as the corresponding .Neo4jDesktop directory and databases.
Now running the installer (as local user) it first tells me
"There is already a per-user installation in ... (the location where it was installed)
Will reinstall/upgrade"
"Installation aborted
Setup was not completed successfully"
and everything stops, so that I can only press cancel.
I suspect that there still remains some information about old Neo4jDesktop versions somewhere in my system
Here is some more detailed information. I just searched through the disk and removed every remnants of Neo4j Desktop and neo4j.
Still the the installer somehow "knows" about previous installations and then tries to update an aborts. Below are the corresponding images. Did anyone experience something similar?
Would really appreciate any hint / help on this - I am absolutely blocked now.
I'm not sure why Neo4j Desktop is detecting previous installs. It could be because there are some additional directories being used in the latest version. Look for directories containing "com.Neo4j.Relate" in the path, then delete those also.
thanks for the response, I am quite desperate to make things working again. I searched for files "com.Neo4j.Relate" in my entire user space, but did not find anything. I quite drastically searched deleted everything related to neo4j and Neo4j Desktop incl. .neo4j from my user space, but nothing changes. Appreciate any help.
@julian.eggert1 When you say you removed the installation by hand, do you mean you just deleted the folders manually, or did you run the uninstaller first?
I noticed that on Windows if you don't run the uninstaller, and instead delete the folders manually, the next time you try to install the application it tells you that there is an installation already. Not really sure why that happens, but my guess is that Windows is storing some information in the registry about installed applications, and that info is only cleaned with the uninstaller.
Even if what I mentioned above happens, the new installation should work. So like you and @abk said there are probably some folders from the previous installation lingering in your system. Could you check if the following folders are still present?
thank you very much for your suggestions. Yes, I made the mistake and deleted Neo4j directly without uninstaller. Then I proceeded to delete everything related to Neo4j in AppData, including the files you suggested + ".Neo4jDesktop".
Following your mail I checked again that these files were indeed deleted. I don't know what changed in the meantime, however I was now able to finish the new setup.
I will check again next time if the issue reoccurs.
Kind regards
PS: BTW, when I install Neo4jDesktop for a local user, and then try to update it when a new version is available, it asks me for admin credentials, and otherwise aborts the update, so that you have to delete and reinstall from scratch. This is what led me to the entire trouble at first. Do you have any idea on this?
I am having the same issue here. I have deleted everything related to Neo4j and deleted everything that has been recommended in this thread. Every time I try to reinstall, the installation gets aborted. Please help
On Windows 10, you must go to your "Control Panel", then select "Programs". From there, you can uninstall Neo4j Desktop. After doing this, the Neo4j Desktop installer did not say "there is already a per-user installation" and I was finally allowed to complete the installation setup. Hope this helps. Always use the uninstaller when trying to remove!
In my case, I had previously installed Neo4j for my user, I didn't have the mention "There is already a per-user installation". Neo4j Desktop appeared in "Control Panel"-->"Programs", but I could not uninstall it as I had deleted the unistallation exe along with the Neo4J desktop Folder
To fix the installation issue I had to remove the Neo4j registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, and the installation worked correctly after that.