Failed to invoke procedure `n10s.rdf.preview.fetch`: Caused by: n10s.RDFImportException: Connection reset

Hi - We are setting up this plug in for the first time and need to help to be able to use successfully. Thanks.

After setup I see a successful ping.



But testing this is failing:

CALL n10s.rdf.preview.fetch(

Failed to invoke procedure n10s.rdf.preview.fetch: Caused by: n10s.RDFImportException: Connection reset

Need help on what needs to be fixed?


from the machine where Neo4j is installed can you successfully open a browser (i.e. chrome, firefox, safari, opera, etc) and reach

or does this 404? timeout? etc

Thanks @dana_canzano for responding.

Thats what I am suspecting. The neo4j is installed on a red hat linux server and we are not allowed to use browser.

But I tried the curl command to test and it is working with setting the proxy server from the shell command line.

Is it possible to set proxy in neo4j.conf for this to work?
