Hi all,
i try to use neosemantics. In one of my db it works fine. Both procedures and extensions /rdf/
in an other one only the semantics.* procedures and :get /rfd/ping works. no other url seems to work.
i am more than welcome for any idea.
(Ljubica Lazarevic)
August 22, 2019, 8:27am
Hi Thoams,
What version(s) of Neo4j and neosemantics do you have for your databases?
Kind regards,
Hi Lju,
thank you for the reply.
my versions are:
Neosemantics : neosemantics-
Version: |3.4.0|
Edition: |enterprise|
searched further in the internet updated my neosemantics library and found a different tutorial
( https://jbarrasa.com/2018/10/18/quickgraph7-creating-a-schema-org-linked-data-endpoint-on-neo4j-in/
) where some urls seem to work
:POST /rdf/cypher { "cypher" : "MATCH (n:BusinessObject) return n limit 25" } worked ok now.
:get /rdf/describe/id/4444 does not (it does in my other database)
:GET /rdf/describe/id?nodeid=5555 does.
so it seems that the documentation i was reading did not reflect the version i use.
The only thing left that i am looking for is how to specify the output format. I always get ttl no json-ld
specifying "format":"JSON-LD" did not help.
Best regards
:GET /rdf/onto
does not work
"could not fetch URL: "404 Not Found". This could be due to the remote server policy. See your web browsers error console for more information."
(Ljubica Lazarevic)
August 27, 2019, 10:16am
Hi Thomas,
There have been breaking changes in the latest version and most of the methods in the extension have changed to /rdf/. The new manual for this is available from: http://jbarrasa.github.io/neosemantics/
I hope this helps!
Kind regards,
This error occurred when exporting RDF from Neo4J. Any suggestions?
Could not fetch URL: "Failed to fetch". This could be due to the remote server policy. See your web browsers error console for more information.
Hi Thank you for the hint!