I'm following this guide written by @jesus_barrasa.
The guide demonstrates how to import RDF* (RDF-star) using the serialization format Turtle*.
call n10s.rdf.preview.fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbarrasa/datasets/master/rdfstar/beatles-hs.ttl',"Turtle*")
Running this same statement on my installation fails with this message...
Failed to invoke procedure
n10s.rdf.preview.fetch: Caused by: n10s.RDFImportException: Unrecognized serialization format: Turtle*
I'm using neo4j community (v.4.3.6), with the latest n10s package (v. installed.
Installing Plugin 'n10s' from https://github.com/neo4j-labs/neosemantics/releases/download/ to /plugins/n10s.jar
I also rolled back n10s to the version that introduced RDF* support (v4.1.0.0) and restarted the database. The behavior was unchanged.
The official n10s documentation doesn't cover this topic.
I'd be keen to hear from anyone that has got RDF* working with neo4j