"n10s.rdf.import.fetch"function returning "PKIX path building failed" error

I am newer using the Neosemantics plugin and I am trying to run the following command:

CALL n10s.rdf.import.fetch('https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/RXNORM/submissions/24/download?apikey=8b5b7825-538d-40e0-9e9e-5ab9274a9aeb','Turtle')

But it is returning the error below:

"PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

Hi @alangularte ,
You have to make sure that the neo4j server has access to the one hosting your RDF (ttl) file. The error suggest some certificates issue. What kind of set up do you have? Is it possible that the neo4j cannot reach the data.bioontology.org server? I've tested it on a neo4j sandbox instance and it seemed to work fine so the server is probably publicly accessible :thinking:

I have two suggestions:

  • download the ttl file using your browser and then put it in a location reachable to your neo4j server and use file:///path..to..your..file/name.ttl instead of the http:// version.
  • assuming it's a certificates issue, you'll need to set up your certificates in the neo4j installation and then it should work with no issues. Looks like someone has had a similar issue in the past. You may want to start your exploration here.

Hope this helps,