Error message importing RDF


I've been trying to import an ontology into my database. I've tried a few different file types (.ttl, .xml, .rdf), but I'm getting error messages each time.

Most recently, the query:



"unqualified attribute 'lang' not allowed [line 9, column 123]"

I think I'm missing something basic - any advice on how to get this working?

Thanks in advance!!

Hi @mermcfadden, welcome to the Neo4j community!
Thanks for your interest in neosemantics and neo4j :grinning:
You're getting an error because you're passing the url of the html page of the ontology in Github (this is the nice human readable one) but what n10s wants is the raw RDF.
That's why you have to use the url that you get to by clicking on the "Raw" button on the top right corner of the box in in the GitHub page.

This should work:

call n10s.onto.import.fetch("","RDF/XML")

hope this helps.