I am unable to import an RDF file into the neo4j desktop app

I am getting above mentioned error while trying to import an RDF file.

Please install neosemantics plugin for your current installation. If it is already there then you have misplaced CSV data file somewhere on your local system.
S Sudhir G

Hi Sudhir,
I have installed it already.

hi there.
to proper import rdf i suggest the following:

  1. empty graph db.
  2. preform create constraint n10s_unique_uri IF NOT EXISTS on (r:Resource) ASSERT r.uri IS UNIQUE
  3. preform n10s.graphconfig.init command.
  4. (optional) preform n10s.nsprefixes.addFromText.
  5. n10s.rdf.import.fetch()

In my project i use the above commands in the following manner:

CREATE CONSTRAINT n10s_unique_uri IF NOT EXISTS  ON (r:Resource) ASSERT r.uri IS UNIQUE;
CALL n10s.graphconfig.init({
            handleVocabUris: 'IGNORE',
            handleMultival: 'ARRAY',
            subPropertyOfRel: "is_a_subproperty",
            subClassOfRel: "is_a",
            handleRDFTypes: 'LABELS_AND_NODES'
CALL n10s.nsprefixes.addFromText('<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
CALL n10s.rdf.import.fetch("file:///c://Users/laviben/PycharmProjects/overwatch/data/input/DataBaseData/Ontology.owl", "RDF/XML");

another important tip:
make sure your neo4j version is compatible with the neosemantics package.
that can be verified on the release area in the following link:
Releases · neo4j-labs/neosemantics · GitHub

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