Connect aura db instance with neomodel instead of neo4j driver

Hi there i'm trying to connect aura db instance with nemodel but I'm unable to do so , can someone provide a better way, I have to use nemodel for my Fast API . this is what I'm doing to connect:

from neomodel import config
config.DATABASE_URL = 'bolt://'

but when I run the following command in my browser:

neomodel_install_labels --db bolt://

this error occurs:
neo4j.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable: Couldn't connect to (resolved to ()):
Connection to xxx:7687 closed without handshake response

Note: my instance is running and it is providing me with this URL:
but when I log in to my instance I choose bolt scheme, but still no use
But when I try to connect my local DB using Neo4j Desktop , it connects without any delay

Aura expects an encrypted connection, so you should use instead "bolt+s" or "neo4j+s". neomodel supports all the schemes since it is based on the base Neo4j driver.