Correct URL for API calls to Aura?

Hi all

OK I feel dumb but I can't figure out what URL to use for API calls to a DB on Aura.

With a local DB I can connect fine:
with Postman:

with the PHP client:
->addConnection('default', 'http://neo4j:password@localhost:7474')
->addConnection('bolt', 'bolt://neo4j:password@localhost:7687')

But I can't figure out what to do with Aura:
Bolt URL: bolt+routing://
I've tried ports 7474, 7687, 17473 & 17474

In Postman I get error: "Could not get any response. There was an error connecting to…"

(I can connect OK to the Aura DB both through Desktop and in my web browser )

Any guidance?


>The HTTP API is not available in Aura and it unfortunately won't be made available due to the fact that the HTTP API does not support high availability installations (clusters).

Is this still the case? I can't make an HTTP connection but the discovery endpoint for my 4.4.0 Enterprise AuraDb instance does include a transaction endpoint which looks like what works for locally hosted instances. Can you pls clarify?

"transaction" : "{databaseName}/tx",

It's a bit confusing because "neo4J" and "neo4j+s" are not listed in discovery url as supported either