Hello Graphers! (Specifically @niels_dejong may be able to help?)
I'm working in NeoDash trying to create an output similar to this one:
but I have not been able to get NeoDash to display multiple lines and a legend for each year. When I try, this is what I get:
the year appears as a straight line. It doesn't treat it as a separate parameter with which to create multiple lines and a legend on the line chart so that I can observe differences in trends in the line. Here is my Cypher:
MATCH (q:Quantity)<-[hq:HAS_QUANTITY]-(sh:Shipment)-[oo:ON_ORDER]->(s:Sales)-[fc:FOR_CONTRACTED]->(a:Account),(s)-[he:HAS_ENTRY]->(oe:OrderEntry)-[hl:HAS_LINE]->(ol:OrderLine)-[hpo:HAS_PRODUCT_ORIGIN]->(po:ProductOrigin)-[hp:HAS_PRODUCT]->(p:Product)-[hpt:HAS_PRODUCT_TYPE]->(pt:ProductType)
WHERE pt.name = $neodash_producttype_name AND a.name = $neodash_account_name
RETURN sum(q.quantity) AS Quantity, sh.shippedDate.month AS Month, sh.shippedDate.year AS Year
Appreciate everyone's help in advance! #NeoDash