Neo4j Dash stacked bar chart colors

Hello! I'm using dash to create a view on time-properties of my graphDB, the code is very simple:
MATCH (n:node)-[r:SOLD]->(p:product_sale)
RETURN p.date_year+'/'+p.date_month AS date,
count(p) AS sales_num,
n.nodeId as persons
I allow grouping, stacked, and colors within advanced settings.
In the graph the data and numbers are reproduced correctly, and I can group nodes. However, color schema changes within bars from bar to bar (one person having different colors assigned in each bar), and the legend is not being displayed properly (black boxes instead of fixed colors. In this form, the chart is not comprehensible.

How can I handle it?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @hamidy.elena ,
Thanks for reaching out about NeoDash! That's an interesting problem, at first sight I do not see clearly what the problem could be.

Would it be possible for you to share a screenshot + the save file of your dashboard?
Then we can try and reproduce it with artificial data.

Feel free to e-mail me at if you are not able to share it publicly.
