I am new to Neo4j Graph Database and I want to know how i can connect Neo4j Community Server using neo4j desktop?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am new to Neo4j Graph Database and I want to know how i can connect Neo4j Community Server using neo4j desktop?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi @myrights99
I downloaded neo4j-community-4.2.1-unix.tar.gz.
% tar -xf neo4j-community-4.2.1-unix.tar.gz
% cd neo4j-community-4.2.1
% ./bin/neo4j console
Directories in use:
home: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1
config: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/conf
logs: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/logs
plugins: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/plugins
import: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/import
data: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/data
certificates: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/certificates
run: /Users/koji/Documents/neo4j-community-4.2.1/run
Starting Neo4j.
2020-12-24 05:47:39.579+0000 INFO Bolt enabled on localhost:7687.
2020-12-24 05:47:40.379+0000 INFO Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/
2020-12-24 05:47:40.380+0000 INFO Started.
You can connect from Neo4j Desktop
Add Database > Connect to Remote DBMS
Database Name Graph Database
Connect URL: bolt://localhost:7687
Username: neo4j
Password: neo4j
Thanks for your reply. but question is from Neo4j Desktop not a browser. I have neo4j community server installed on Server XYZ and i have Windows Neo4j Desktop is installed on my laptop. I am not able to access remote graph database which is Server XYZ.
Hi @myrights99
but question is from Neo4j Desktop not a browser
Yes, I connected from Neo4j Desktop not browser like Crome, Safari.
You can access to comment out the listen address in neo4j.conf of neo4j community server.
And restarting neo4j in Server XYZ.
# Network connector configuration
# With default configuration Neo4j only accepts local connections.
# To accept non-local connections, uncomment this line:
And You can connect the server by Neo4j Desktop on your laptop.
Add Database > Connect to Remote DBMS
Database Name: Graph Database
Connect URL: bolt://<Server XYZ IP or name>:7687
This definitely helped. thank you.