I am trying to use the Neo4j Desktop Terminal v1.5.7 to load a neo4j.dump file 8mb into a local db. The database server being used is 4.4.0.
I have added the neo4j.dump file using the Add > File button.
The neo4j.dump file now exists in my Project > File folder: C:\Users\owner.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\projects\project-1649d707-9d31-c9271901a49d\neo4j.dump
I opened the terminal, and ran the following command:
How does it not exist? I added it and can see it both in the ND under File and I can see the file by going to Reveal in File Explorer?
And if I put the neo4j.dump file in either the root folder of C:\Users\owner.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\dbmss\dbms-b9a39309-7017-57235f055cfe or the [same path]\import, this too will not work and the terminal responds with:
Thanks @elaine_rosenber , yes the dump file is from AuraDB and is 4.4.0.
Yes, using the following command, I have also tried using the full path of the neo4j.dump file that I have previously loaded into the local db using Add > File. The neo4j.dump file resides in this dir C:\Users\owner.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\projects\project-1649d707-9d31-c9271901a49d\neo4j.dump
and I have used that full path in the command:
Yes the ... exist, but again, I have a separate question out for that specific UI / Load functionality (which also does not work).
Can we please keep this question focused on doing this with the terminal?
If not, can you please respond to my other UI / Load question seen here...
Thanks but I'm still getting the same errors.
I see you're using a Mac, any chance you can do this on Windows? The command syntax seems different, for example you have single quotes around your --from='path'. When I put single quotes around my path I get this error...
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: 'C:\Users\owner\.N
I see you suggested using --verbose on the other question (focused on UI).
--verbose responds with the following...
org.neo4j.cli.CommandFailedException: Unable to load database: NoSuchFileException:
All of this leads me to believe that the --from I'm using is incorrect.
But I don't have any examples of a correct path to use on my Windows machine.
I put quotes around the path to the db because my path had spaces in it which java didn't like.
In this community post, there is an example for Windows. I noticed that in this post, Dan suggests copying the dump file to a simpler location to use for the from value. He also changes directory to the bin directory to execute the load.
Thanks Elaine, I'm losing confidence that there's a documented answer available for this specific situation. In the most recent link you provided, the --from part of the load command is pointing to a different dir than where Desktop puts my dump file after I use the Desktop Add > File feature.
After adding the dump file to a given project, my dump file lives here C:\Users\owner.Neo4jDesktop\projects\project-3728df8b-8456-607273ed2f95,
but any attempts to point to that path in the command line --from result in the errors provided.
I'm trying to use all of the features and command lines that are natively provided in Neo4j Desktop, but the documentation around this seems to be lacking.
Is there explicit documentation somewhere that speaks to using Desktop to load a dump file using the Desktop terminal on Windows? Or is there a youtube video that shows a successful Desktop load of a dump file using the Desktop terminal on Windows?
Unfortunately, the documentation for neo4j-admin is what we have for loading a dump file into the DBMS. Starting a terminal window is the same as using the neo4j-admin command.
If your database does not contain private information, I would be curious why you cannot load it from the Neo4j Desktop UI? Can you share the dump file?