Neo4j Desktop Terminal - How to Load a Dump File into a Local Database

Yes, I can share the dump file with you, how can I send it to you?
I do not want this dump file available to the general public from this site.

Also, I understand you're using a Mac, but would you also be able to try this load command from Windows?
Or can you recommend someone who can match the same OS I'm using?

Can you upload it to a dropbox location?

My email is

Thanks Elaine, I've given you access to the neo4j.dump file using your email.

Hi @knuser ,

Thanks for the dump file. It indeed loads just fine on OSX, but on windows it yields no nodes/relationships.

I have a query to our AuraDB team about this.

Thanks @elaine_rosenber , for what it's worth, that same dump file which was generated from AuraDB has been successfully imported into other AuraDB instances.

The issue to convey to Neo4j Desktop people as well is this...

A dump file generated on AuraDB will not load (yields no nodes/relationships) into Windows Neo4j Desktop using the expected terminal commands (and the same is true in trying to use the UI Import Dump File features of Neo4j Desktop).

Thank you for your help.

Hello @knuser ,

Update: Engineering thus far has been unable to reproduce the problem with your dump file.

What version of Windows are you using?:
What is your powershell version?:


Thanks for continuing to look into this:

Windows Version
Windows 10
System Type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Version 21H2
OS Build 19044.2728

PowerShell Version
PSVersion 5.1.19041.2673
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.19041.2673
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3

Additionally, I just downloaded and installed a new version of Neo4j Desktop 1.5.7 and ran the following terminal cmd using the same neo4j.dump. Here is the cmd and the result...

e2c33>bin\neo4j-admin load --database=neo4j328b --from=C:\Users\owner\.Neo4jDesktop
\relate-data\projects\project-92dba63e-afe8-413c-b593-9bb65b561228\neo4j.dump --for
ce --verbose
Selecting JVM - Version:11.0.17+8-LTS, Name:OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor:Azul S
ystems, Inc.
Executing command line: C:\Users\owner\.Neo4jDesktop\distributions\java\zulu11.60.1
9-ca-jdk11.0.17\bin\java.exe -cp C:\Users\owner\.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\dbmss\dbm
Desktop\relate-data\dbmss\dbms-77e3c6c7-ef14-436a-a49d-38d407be2c33\lib\* -Xmx10485
76k -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+UnlockExpe
rimentalVMOptions -XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFields -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:MaxInli
neLevel=15 -XX:-UseBiasedLocking -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=262144
yReflectionSetAccessible=true -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djdk.tls.rejectCli
entInitiatedRenegotiation=true -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=stackdepth=256 -XX:+Unlock
DiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true -Dlog4j2.form
atMsgNoLookups=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 org.neo4j.cli.AdminTool load --database=n
eo4j328b --from=C:\Users\owner\.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\projects\project-92dba63e-
afe8-413c-b593-9bb65b561228\neo4j.dump --force --verbose
neo4j 4.4.0
VM Name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
VM Vendor: Azul Systems, Inc.
VM Version: 11.0.17+8-LTS
JIT compiler: HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
VM Arguments: [-Xmx1048576k, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+Alw
aysPreTouch, -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, -XX:+TrustFinalNonStaticFields, -XX:
+DisableExplicitGC, -XX:MaxInlineLevel=15, -XX:-UseBiasedLocking, -Djdk.nio.maxCach
edBufferSize=262144, -Dio.netty.tryReflectionSetAccessible=true, -Djdk.tls.ephemera
lDHKeySize=2048, -Djdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiation=true, -XX:FlightRecor
derOptions=stackdepth=256, -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints,
 -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
Done: 0 files, 0B processed.
org.neo4j.cli.CommandFailedException: Unable to load database: NoSuchFileException:
        at org.neo4j.commandline.Util.wrapIOException(
        at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.load(       
        at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.loadDump(   
        at com.neo4j.commandline.dbms.EnterpriseLoadCommand.loadDump(EnterpriseLoad
        at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.execute(     
        at picocli.CommandLine.executeUserObject(
        at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.handle(
        at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.handle(
        at picocli.CommandLine$AbstractParseResultHandler.execute(
        at picocli.CommandLine.execute(
        at org.neo4j.cli.AdminTool.execute(
        at org.neo4j.cli.AdminTool.main(
Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Users\owner\.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\dbmss\dbms-77e3c6c7-ef14-436a-a49d-38d407be2c33\data\data
        at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(
        at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
        at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(
        at java.base/sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.newByteChannel(
        at java.base/java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider.newOutputStream(
        at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.newOutputStream(
        at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.loadEntry(
        at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.load(
        at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.load(
        at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.load(
        ... 14 more

(and fwiw the UI version of Import dump into existing dbms continues to not work)

Hello @knuser ,

Engineering has looked at your dump file. For some reason it is corrupted. Can you create a new dump file?

Here is what engineering has to say:

The dump is corrupted in a very strange way.
It uses a mixture of Unix and Windows file delimiters.
For example:
It almost looks like some "smart" tool was scanning for Unix forward slashes and replacing them with Windows back slashes.
I doubt it came like this from Aura.
I would recommend getting a new dump from Aura.
The dump does not work even on Unix. It just does not fail, but, for example, /profiles\schema\index\native-btree-1.0\8\index-8.313.cacheprof is incorrectly treated as a single file instead of a path with multiple segments. So even though, it does not fail, it restores some of the files in wrong locations and under a wrong names.

Thanks @elaine_rosenber, I've shared another new neo4j.dump file with you. Please see check your email for the link.

RE: the engineers comments... the previous dump file absolutely 100% came from Aura in its current state. There was no smart tool. And the same is true for the file I just shared.



Thanks Keith. I will share the latest dump file with engineering.


Hello Keith,

Engineering looked at the dump file. It is an Aura problem. Can you open an Aura Support ticket and explain:

The Neo4j Kernel team looked into the dump file with these results:

The dump is corrupted in a very strange way.
It uses a mixture of Unix and Windows file delimiters.
For example:
It almost looks like some "smart" tool was scanning for Unix forward slashes and replacing them with Windows back slashes.

Thanks @elaine_rosenber , I do have a ticket that is tied to this issue that I opened a couple weeks ago: Neo4j Desktop Terminal - Load a Dump File Results in Unable to load database: NoSuchFileException · Issue #13081 · neo4j/neo4j · GitHub

Should I use this ticket? Or open a different one?


I see AuraDB has a separate ticketing process, so I have opened a ticket with them and Cc'd you. I'll post any findings here.

This issue was resolved through a Neo4j AuraDB help ticket. In the end, Neo4j AuraDB and Neo4j Windows OS engineers were required to make the necessary fixes.
Of note, while my terminal commands were not an issue, I did not do separate, non-terminal commands to be done in Neo4j Browser (at least I believe these are only done in the browser).

After running the terminal commands to load the dump file, go to the Desktop Neo4j Browser and do the following:

  • type :USE SYSTEM
  • type CREATE DATABASE dbNameCreatedInTerminal
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Hello @knuser ,

Thank you for your patience with this. I am glad that Engineering was able to fix the problem.


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