Graph Data Science Playground not finishing algorithm

Further examining issues with Bloom and Data Science
Related Issue

I took Bloom out of the loop and used the Graph Data Science Playground

Small graph
883 nodes - 1 type
993 relationships - type
Database 4.4.17
Graph Data Science Library 2.3.1

It connects and sees and sees nodes and relationship.

Select Degree centrality with default settings. click OK.
Never completes just runs.

I have deleted and reinstalled plugin. Similar result.
Cannot stop database after running Graph Data Science Playground algorithm.

Any remedies?

A bit more data.

Simple graph
1 node type, "concept" with 818 entries
1 relationship "Reports_to" 913 relationships

Try executing simple
CALL gds.graph.project(
graphName AS graph, nodeProjection, nodeCount AS nodes, relationshipProjection, relationshipCount AS rels

Does not complete.


Found solution.
Update database such that it can use GDS 2.5.6 library.

Then things work as usual or in my case as before.
