I've been using Neo4j together with the graph data science playground (gds) app in teaching for many years. This semester (Fall 2022), the students are installing Neo4j Desktop 1.5.6 and the data science playground app is in version 0.1.55,
I observe many students (including myself) that cannot even start the playground app in the context of a graph ("dbms", click on the blue button next to the graph and choose gds, e.g. instead of browser or bloom).
Where we get stuck: once gds is started, we get to the connection page ("Connecting to server"). The connection works. The next step is "Checking GDS plugin". This is where it keeps checking forever. This second page displays the following:
We are checking whether the library is installed by running the following query:
CALL dbms.procedures()
YIELD name
RETURN count(*) AS count;
I am aware of this other post that seems to describe the same problem:
Please excuse all those replies... The problem is defenitely in the Graph Data Science Playground graph app and NOT in the GDS plugin. As noted in the other post relating to the same issue, the problem is that while checking the gds plugin, the graph app uses deprecated code (call instead of show procedures). I guess the graph app needs to be updated.
I just checked in the plugins, the Graph Data Science Library version is 2.2.5. I just tried uninstalling and installing it again but that didn't help.
Indeed, @robert37 , that plugin doesn't seem to be very popular. However, our students all managed to write gds code in Neo4j Browser, so no need for the playground plugin for us anymore