GDS 2.5 on Community edition reports gds.graph.drop is deprecated? What to use instead?

GDS 2.5 reports a warning: gds.graph.drop is deprecated. It does not suggest what you should use instead. Also, checking the docs, there is no suggestion (that I could see) that it is deprecated - or what to use instead:

Hi @paul.edwards,

gds.graph.drop should not be deprecated, so that sounds suspicious. Would you be able to share (some of) the following things?

  • the error/warning message you see
  • database logs if that's possible
  • the Cypher code that creates the problems
  • version of the Neo4j database you're using

That would make it easier for us to understand what the problem might be.


Neo4j 5.15.0
Cypher code: " Call gds.graph.drop('full_graph') " (Called from the nodejs neo4j-driver)

    "notifications": [
        "code": "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning",
        "title": "This feature is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.",
        "description": "The query used a deprecated field from a procedure. ('schema' returned by 'gds.graph.drop' is deprecated.)",
        "severity": "WARNING",
        "position": { "offset": 13, "line": 2, "column": 1 },
        "severityLevel": "WARNING",
        "rawSeverityLevel": "WARNING",
        "category": "DEPRECATION",
        "rawCategory": "DEPRECATION"
    "server": {
      "address": "",
      "agent": "Neo4j/5.15.0",
      "protocolVersion": 5.4

Hello @paul.edwards ,
as explained in the description, the issue is, that your query does not specify yields. As this returns every available column, it also returns the deprecated return column schema.

I do agree, its rather confusing for the user though. We will check if we can improve the deprecation when YIELD is not specified.

My suggestion would be to use CALL gds.graph.drop('full_graph') YIELD graphName in the mean-time.

Thank you! Sorry I raised this in error...

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