This library includes all of your favorite algorithms from the graph algorithms library - as well as some new ones! - plus a new, unified, simplified surface, improvements to the graph loaders, improved error messaging, and additional features and workflows to support production scale deployments.
If you’re interested in a quick start guide to the GDS, we’ve created a browser guide to walk you through the basics -- just install the plugin and enter :play graph-data-science in neo4j browser.
Thanks for sharing. I am about to launch and supervise a student final-year project about the use of graph algorithms on Question/Answer systems (e.g. StackExchange) in order to extract uselful knowledge about users, posts, tags. Neo4j's algorithms would certainly be of a great help!
The graph data science library is a successor to the graph algorithms repo, actively maintained and supported by the neo4j product engineering team (versus the developer relations team). There is no ongoing work in the repo.