Graph automatically gets dropped from memory


We are trying to run a service based on neo4j. In short, when the service starts, we project a graph into the Graph Catalogue and calls to the service run an algorithm from GDS on this graph.

However, we observe that sometimes when we make calls to the service, we receive an error indicating that the graph does not exist in memory. From our end, it doesn't seem that any other error is occurring. Is this the expected behavior? If not, are there any hints on what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance

Hello @ralvi ,
I would not expect graphs are dropped automatically.

Are you using Aura or are you self-hosting?

Hey @florentin_dorre,

Thanks for the reply. We are currently self-hosting and using the community versions for both neo4j and GDS.

That makes it even more unlikely that they get dropped automatically.

To help you, we need a bit more details on when its happening.
Do you restart the instance? (GDS graphs are all in-memory)
Whats your workload?

Do you see any pattern when it drops?