Exporting CSV file from Bloom

We would like to export our graph into a CSV file. I have a working apoc export in the Browser but would like this capability in Bloom.
Embedding this working Cypher into bloom does not work. How can I fix this?

//Create a simple set of nodes in Browser:
merge (tierOne:TierOne{Name:"T1"})-[c1:contains]->(tierTwo:TierTwo{Name:"T2"})-[c2:contains]->(tierThree:TierThree{Name:"T3"})

// in Bloom add this Cypher/Apoc command to export my graph into a csv file
with "match path = (tierOne:TierOne)-[c1:contains]->(tierTwo:TierTwo)-[c2:contains]->(tierThree:TierThree)
*return *
tierOne.Name as tierOneName, tierTwo.Name as tierTwoName, tierThree.Name as tierThreeName" as csvExportQuery
*call apoc.export.csv.query(csvExportQuery, "result.csv", {}) *
yield file, source, format, nodes, relationships, properties, time, rows, batchSize, batches, done, data
return file, source, format, nodes, relationships, properties, time, rows, batchSize, batches, done, data

thanks guys.. its something simple but.. i am new to Bloom


Bloom does offer Export to CSV Scenes and sharing data - Neo4j Bloom. Has this been tried and is it not sufficient?

yes sir. I know about them. thanks!.. We are not really able to use that mechanism since we cannot modify the csv layout. Our other systems, sadly, require a special format. This is why, through the Browser, I was using the apoc export mechanism, which does not seem to be, well liked in Bloom.. Perhaps I can find Bloom log files that can lend some insights.. :) .. Thanks Dana! I should look in the log files to get a better insight of what is actually going on.. Thanks!