Export relationships and nodes from BLOOM in a unique file

Hi and thanks in advance for your time.

It’s about exporting visualization in BLOOM.

In Neo4J Desktop, I can export nodes and relationships in one excel/CSV sheet, basically reporting all information in a tabular way. In Bloom instead, when I try to export the current visualization, two files are created: one with nodes and one with relationships. Data is therefore split and cannot create a unique file as I do instead in Neo Desktop.

I tried to create a customized search phrase by reporting the code I use in Neo Desktop, but yet it didn’t work.

Therefore, what I need to know is if it is somehow possible to export data in BLOOM as I do in Neo4J Desktop.

Thanks again for your support.

Hi francesco.villa1994! Welcome to the community.

Currently, you can't get all information in one file when you export in Bloom.
However I really appreciate your feedback on the feature.
What you can try to do as a workaround is to:

  1. Box-select everything in your Bloom scene (Long click and drag)
  2. Copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) into Neo4j Browser cypher editor and then run.
  3. Export CSV from the Neo4j Browser result frame.


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ps. Can you explain a little about your use-case of having all information in one CSV file?