Export JSON from Bloom

I am using the following APOC command to export my graph:
CALL apoc.export.json.query(
"MATCH (nodes) return nodes",
in the browser this works great, as does the export all version apoc.

I decided to switch to the "export with query" for Bloom, export all does not seem to use the elements in the scene, thus the query. When I do this, I get the following error.

How do I get Bloom to use my query as its data source to export to a JSON file? This works in Browser but..

Thanks guys!

Hi @rlukas !

I'm not sure if you can do this in Bloom, as Bloom's focus is to visualize data rather than extract it. Having said that, to use the elements of the scene in a query you should use a Scene Action. You could try to parameterize your query to use $nodes and $relationships parameters as Scene Actions demand and see if it exports what you need.
Let us know if it works! Regards!

Thanks.. I will dig into that.. But it seems odd that my match (nodes) return nodes yielded nothing or failed, Any thoughts on that.. Basically, I am simply trying to execute a simple Cypher command and use those results in my export. I would like to be able to, from within Bloom, to create new nodes and relationships in my model and dump the Whole Thing out to JSON so that my other services can use theses (new and old) entities.. Thus the, match and export with query path, if that makes sense.. thoughts?

It does not seem that I even have such an option (scene action).