Bloom not loading data

Using Neo4J Desktop with d/b loaded and launched Browser

When I load Bloom the screen in blank and is does not provide the Perspective screen

Please advise?


Do you have the latest versions of Neo4j Desktop and Neo4j Bloom installed? You can also check the developer console to see if any errors were logged. In Neo4j Desktop go to the "Developer" menu and select "Developer Tools".

Hi lyonwj, yesi only installed the other day and have cheed for latest updated. No errors in the logs. I see the visual graph in the browser, which I imported for Archi software, but when I launch Bloom its a blanks screen but shows the elements with the coloured dots on teh right

Can we screen share as it's probably something quite simply


If Bloom does not work what I’m trying to do is get an csv export of my Application Components that linked to a specific name.

In the Neo4j Browser I’m trying to run

CALL apoc.export.csv.query("MATCH (n)<-[*1..10]-(:ApplicationComponent {name:'ChemoCare'})


ORDER BY n.class,", "results.csv", {})

But get the error


Failed to invoke procedure apoc.export.csv.query: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Export to files not enabled, please set apoc.export.file.enabled=true in your apoc.conf.

Otherwise, if you are running in a cloud environment without filesystem access, use the {stream:true} config and null as a 'file' parameter to stream the export back to your client.emphasized text

In my neo4j-enterprise-5.3.0/conf directory I have created an apoc.conf file with the following entries


stops and restarted the d/b but still no joy