Are nodes in "db.schema.visualization()" the same as model nodes?

I ask the question, because if I have the styles defined in style.grass, I would have expected that the same styles would apply to the nodes and relationships shown in the schema display as in the graph model.

Is it a defect?

If not, why not?


If by "model nodes" you mean a graph visuzliation to show the "meta-model" of the data stored in the databsase, then yes that's essentially what this visualization is intended to show.

The nodes shown in Neo4j Browser as a result of the CALL db.schema.visualization() procedure are "virtual" nodes that don't actually exist in the database, but are returned by the query to be rendered in Neo4j Browser as a visualization. If you inspect one of these nodes you'll see that the id values are negative, indicating they are "virtual" nodes.

However, the label of these nodes will match the label of the "actual" nodes in the database and should pick up any styling defined per label. (Note that for styling you'll want to use the name property as the caption for these virtual nodes, which might not match property keys stored on the actual nodes in the database.)

Could you share an example of what you're seeing and how it is different from what you're expecting? As well as any styling being applied?

Thanks, @lyonwj,
Your explanation fits our observed behaviour, except that what you wrote implies that the caption for both the data and the schema MUST be "{name}".

We use a property called "{caption}" for the name of both the nodes and relationships in the data graph. This naturally meant the schema nods and relationships were (because they have no "{caption}" property! OK, we said let's set the caption to "{caption}" and the defaultCaption to "{name}". - as I mentioned ina related post:
node.Vertex {
color: #FFC454;
border-color: #d7a013;
text-color-internal: #2A2C34;
defaultCaption: '{name}';
caption: '{caption}';

However, this doesn't seem to work. You have to see the caption to "{name}" - which defeats the purpose of captioning on the main data graph!

Have I missed something?

See also my further testing in the topic on Does defaultCaption work in style.grass for relationships?.