CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'FILE:///dropd_noun.csv' AS line
WITH apoc.coll.partition(collect(line),10000) AS batchesOfLines
UNWIND batchesOfLines as batch
RETURN batch",
"UNWIND {batch} AS word
MERGE (w:Word {word: word.sentence_noun})",
{batchSize: 1, parallel: true});
I made similar cypher code with above apoc.periodic.iterate.sub-batching.cypher, it works. dropd_noun.csv has one column, sentence_noun column
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'FILE:///dropd_noun.csv' AS line
WITH collect(line) AS nounlists
UNWIND nounlists AS nounlist
CREATE (w:Word {word:nounlist.sentence_noun} )
apoc version? The plugins directory has only one file apoc- Neo4j server version is 3.4.6 under ubuntu 18.04.
~/neo4j/plugins$ ls
Does it find the function otherwise? I don't know how to check it find the function otherwise. Please let me know how to show debug trace it find the other functions. And I checked apoc.coll.partition be in apoc-xxx.jar.
neo4j> CALL apoc.coll.partition([1,2,3,4,5,6], 5) YIELD value
RETURN value;
| value |
| [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] |
| [6] |
2 rows available after 6 ms, consumed after another 1 ms
3. Use apoc.periodic.iterate
* the biggest benefit of using iterate() is you don't need a large Heap memory anymore;
* iterate() can split large update into smaller batches to execute and submit, which keeps the Heap memory usage low;
* iterate() can also leverage the CPU power by running updates in parallel (set parallel:true). This works particularly well for SSD, but avoid using it on mechanical HD;
So partition a procedure, not a function, so it would have to be called differently in your first example.
But I wouldn't recommend that kind of use anyway, except if one really knows why they are using that approach, and suggest to use the built in functionality.