I upgraded my desktop from 1.2.1 to 1.2.4 today. In 1.2.1, my neo4j version was 3.5.2 and now I am unable to create a database with version 3.5.2.

Why and how do I create a 3.5.2 database in 1.2.4 desktop?
I have to create a 3.5.16 database which close to 3.5.2 and I am unable to install GRAPH ALGORITHMS plugin with desktop 1.2.4.
Why and how do I install GRAPH ALGORITHMS plugin?
In neo4j 3.5.2, I installed GRAPH ALGORITHMS with version
I was going to test The Louvain algorithm according to [documentation].(
Louvain - Neo4j Graph Data Science) So I have created the example graph.

But I got an error as followed when I ran the algorithm.
Why and how do I run The Louvain algorithm based in this example?
Neo4j 4.x does not support GRAPH ALGORITHMS for now. When it will be supported?
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I think this is a bug in desktop that it doesn't show up for 3.5.16 -- I've reached out to the team to check what's happened here.
In the interim, you can download the jar from our download center: https://neo4j.com/download-center/ You'll need Neo4j 3.5.8+ in order to install and run the jar.
To install, place it in the plugins folder for your database:
And under settings, set
, then restart your database.
Look for support for 4.0 in late April.
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Hi Alicia,
Thanks for replying me.
The urgent problem I need to solve right now is to use "The Louvain algorithm" in 3.5.2.
Could you help me with that?
Algorithm should check neo4j 3.4 version.
It sounds like your blocker is getting Neo4j 3.5.2 installed in desktop -- probably better to post that question on the general forum.
The older releases of graph algos are available here: Releases · neo4j-contrib/neo4j-graph-algorithms · GitHub - you can download and install that jar manually as described. However, that version is not optimized and may have bugs.
I would recommend upgrading your database to 3.5.16 (or creating a new one) and installing the graph data science library (available at https://neo4j.com/download-center/) for best performance.
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