Unable to import neo4j-p2p-data.dump into AuraDB (Neo4j v5)

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble importing a v4.4 dump file into AuraDB (Neo4j v5) - I'm getting an error Loading failed (screenshot attached below).

I got the dump file from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LaNFObKnZb1Ty8T7kPLCYlXDUlHU7FGa

This dump file is used for this blog post: https://github.com/neo4j-product-examples/demo-fraud-detection-with-p2p

Any idea how to resolve this issue?

I use the import database feature within AuraDB to load dump the file.

I am also having the same problem. Trying to import an old 4.2 dump file. Did you ever get a resolution?

@hisplan @buildoureden

Per Cloud & Self-Hosted Graph Database Platform Pricing | Neo4j Aura Free is limited to

Up to 200k nodes and 400k relationships

but yet the neo4j-p2p-data_v44.dump at p2p-dataset - Google Drive

is defined with

@neo4jp2pdatav44> match (n) return count(n);
| count(n) |
| 789856   |

1 row
ready to start consuming query after 42 ms, results consumed after another 2 ms
@neo4jp2pdatav44> match (n)-[r]->() return count(r);
| count(r) |
| 1776743  |

1 row

and thus exceeding the max # of nodes and relationships for Aura Free.

Is it Aura Free that you are using?