Text2Cypher configuration


I’m trying to configure the Text2Cypher extension to NeoDash by specifying the LLM model provider (OpenAI) and an OpenAI API Key.

When I do this on dashboards from the NeoDash Dashboard Gallery such as Movies (neo4j+s://demo.neo4jlabs.com:7687) or Interactive Route Planner (neo4j+s://acb5b6ae.databases.neo4j.io:7687), it works and I get the :white_check_mark: logo.

However, when I do this on a dashboard that I created (bolt://localhost:7687) (via Neo4J Desktop) with the same OpenAI API Key, it doesn’t work and I get the :warning: red logo without explanation.

Would someone be able to tell me why? And what should I change?

Thank you very much.