NeoDash 2.1.8 Release

Hi Community,

Today we’ve released NeoDash 2.1.8! As always, the release notes are available on GitHub, but we want to announce two big news items:

  1. Dashboard Gallery
    Apart from the new Gauge Chart , this release contains a first version of the NeoDash Dashboard Gallery.
    This gallery contains a set of sample dashboards built on public data - available to run with a single button.
    Our goal is to have a dashboard for each of the many use-cases that we see at Neo4j - and this is where we need your help!
    If you have a nice dashboard + dataset to share, please send it our way and we can add it to the gallery. You can always use one of our sandboxes and we will connect it on the gallery for you.


  2. NeoDash Extensions
    Another big thing in this release is that we have taking a first leap into building NeoDash Extensions.
    Extensions are additions outside of the core project, and can be activated in the dashboard settings.
    For now we have only one extension (report actions), which we’d be happy to hear your feedback on. Note: extensions are only available on the deployment at, so not in Neo4j Desktop.

You can always reach us on Github , where you can share your questions, doubts, suggestions but also contribute with your own PR.

cc @niels_dejong

Great functionality!
Will share my comments later

you might have forgotten about that :)