Support for sh:message in neosemantics


as the output of neosemantics is quite hard to read for non-technical people, I'd love tosee support for the sh:message within neosemantics. I also opened an issue on GitHub to demonstrate the usefulness (

Are there plans for implementation any time soon? Are there open points where I can help?

Hi @max_beikirch

We're working on it but in the meantime you can (mis)use the sh:severity property.

It's not as user-friendly as a message, because it takes a URI as value, but you can set it to your own custom severity levels like [ ... sh:severity sh:MissingName ]

I understand it's not the intended use but can be a temporary hack :wink:



Hello @jesus_barrasa ,

thanks a lot, this workaround works well for me!
Keep up the good work :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi again @max_beikirch

Support for sh:message has been added in

I've closed the issue in GitHub.

Enjoy and share your feedback!