I did some text with Neo4j Aura and I think I quickly figure out that you can not stop an Aura database, meaning you have to use it non-stop or destroy it.
And if you destroy it you loose everything.
If I'm right, what would be the best option, I'm thinking about Google Cloud with Docker but I still wonder if I can stop and start the machine only when I need it.
So I don't pay for unused resources.
Hello! You are correct - right now, there is not a way to stop/start Aura as you need it. You would either need to destroy or leave running. However, the feature to stop/start or pause is on the list of features for a future release (hopefully sooner, rather than later)!
I think you'll run into the same problem running in Google Cloud, though you might be able to stop/start the database resource using a Docker instance. @david_allen, do you have some ideas, perhaps?
Sorry I can't be of more help!
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There's ready-made documentation on how to run Neo4j on GCP with virtual machines here:
There are other options for doing docker containers as well. This is fine for stopping and starting whenever you like and would meet the requirement from that perspective, but it isn't much of a replacement for Aura. Aura is a fully managed environment that takes a lot of responsibilities and pains away from you associated with running your own database.
Thanks @david_allen
The UI from google is sometime confusing and the official Neo4j manual is well, a manual, this could be a sweat spot with just enough info.
Aura is awesome for production database quick and ready to be use non-stop by clients but for now we are in alpha development.