I read that 'Starting from Neo4j 5.0.0, standalone servers and cluster servers have no distinction. This means a standalone server can be upgraded to a cluster by adding more servers'.
I read this in a Kubernetes article: Create Helm deployment values files - Operations Manual
Can I deploy a single server and later 'upgrade' it by adding more servers and creating a cluster? The article I quoted above is for Neo4j on Kubernetes. Does this only work for Kubernetes or can I do the same natively (hosting a server directly on an AWS EC2 for example)?
I am using Neo4j 5.22 and deploying to AWS.
I really want to start off small with 1 server but with the ability to easily upgrade by adding more servers.
I read that ' Autonomous clusters' are new in V5 and may be my key however most articles talk about casual clusters which I believe is V4 tech.
I read in the Neo4j Operations manual a way to migrate from a single stand alone to a cluster but this process involves taking backups of system database and restoring system databases to new servers etc.
Is this the only way to start with a single server and add more servers when the time comes?
The Kubernetes way appeared to be easier but I haven't been able to get it to work yet.
If I am forced into having 3 servers in order to have a cluster can I have 3 servers with 2 servers empty. I am on AWS and don't want to pay for 3 EC2s when I only really need 1 right now.
Practical ways forwards would be greatly appreciated.