Hello folks,
GraphAcademy uses sandboxes so that you can perform queries and practice the skills necessary to learn what a course is teaching you.
When you enroll in a course, GraphAcacemy creates a sandbox for you.
If the sandbox for a course already exists, the existing sandbox is used for the course.
During a course, you can enter Cypher in the embedded sandbox window on the right (after the $neo4j prompt appears).
You can also enter Cypher in a Neo4j Browser window that has a connection to the sandbox instance for the course at sandbox.neo4j.com.
Keep in mind that a sandbox is a temporary instance of Neo4j in the cloud that expires after 3 days (you can extend it up to 10 days).
If you have not accessed a course in a while, GraphAcademy will re-create the sandbox if it does not exist when you re-enter the course.
When you are performing the Challenges of a course, you can enter your Cypher in the embedded sandbox or in Neo4j Browser connected to the sandbox for the course.
If you want to mark that you have successfully completed a Challenge, however, you must click the Verify database button in the course.
This is the only way for GraphAcademy to verify that you successfully completed a Challenge.
In most cases, before you enter a Challenge, GraphAcademy tries to reset the graph to what it should be before you perform the Challenge.
In some cases, this may not be possible and will depend upon what you have modified in the graph.
Some folks can run into problems if they are going through multiple courses simultaneously that use the same sandbox.
Here are the sandboxes we currently use for each course in GraphAcademy
Movies Sandbox:
Cypher Fundamentals
Blank Sandbox:
Graph Data Modeling Fundamentals
Importing CSV Data into Neo4j
Recommendations Sandbox:
Intermediate Cypher Queries
Building Neo4j Applications with Node.js | Java | Python | Go | .NET
Introduction to Neo4j Graph Data Science
Neo4j Graph Data Science Fundamentals
If multiple courses are accessing the same sandbox, you may run into problems.
We recommend that if you run into a problem, you go to the sandbox.neo4j.com site and terminate the sandbox for the course you are having a problem with.
When you resume the course, a new sandbox will be created and in most cases, you can resume the course with no problem.