Problem to install APOC apoc-5.1.0-core.jar in Neo4j Desktop v 1.5.2

First, I tried to install APOC in Neo4j Desktop by dropping jar file to "Install" field of GraphApps but it is failed with error msg: "[2022-11-04 09:35:46.838] [error] Graph app installation failed Error: Refusing to create a directory outside the output path.
at C:\Users\IgorY\AppData\Local\Programs\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\node_modules\decompress\index.js:30:12
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Promise.all (index 536)
at async TarProcessor.addGraphApp (C:\IgorY\342247160\AppData\Local\Programs\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async addGraphAppPromise (C:\Users\IgorY\AppData\Local\Programs\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\"


Then I tried to drop jar file to "plugins" folder of "ralate-data/dbms/..." but the databases is failing in startup stage.

The installation process of APOC on website is not correct because there is not the folder $NEO4J_HOME/plugins in Neo4j Desktop installation.

Any help how to install manually APOC in Neo4j Desktop is appreciated.

Thanks. - apoc core installation instructions (including for desktop) is here - have you tried this?

Yes, I did
(migrated from khoros post Re: Problem to install APOC apoc-5.1.0-core.jar in... - Neo4j - 61736)