Outward relationship display for a family tree

I created a simple family tree with my parents, siblings, wife and kids. It has bi directional relationships and I'm able to retrieve the family tree. But the ask is, If I run a cipher against my wife, I need all outward relationships. Is there a way to do it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Jason,

I made my sample family tree.
The family tree is a two-way relationship, but I think it's better in one direction.

For example.
You can use either [:PARENT_OF] or [CHILD_OF].
The same is true for [:MARRIED_TO].

It is bidirectional in the following cases.


Sample Cypher

CREATE (father1:Person {name: 'Father'})-[:MARRIED_TO]->(mother1:Person {name: 'Mother'}),
       (father2:Person {name: 'Father'})-[:MARRIED_TO]->(mother2:Person {name: 'Mother'}),
       (dad:Person {name: 'Dad'})-[:MARRIED_TO]->(mom:Person {name: 'Mom'}),
       (brother:Person {name: 'Brother'}),
       (son:Person {name: 'Son'}),
       (daughter:Person {name: 'Daughter'}),

You don't need an arrow to find your partner.

MATCH (:Person {name: 'Dad'})-[:MARRIED_TO]-(who:Person)
RETURN who.name


If you are looking for children, you will need an arrow.

MATCH (:Person {name: 'Dad'})-[:FATHER_OF]->(who:Person)
RETURN who.name


If you want to find parents, you need an arrow.

MATCH (:Person {name: 'Dad'})<-[:FATHER_OF|MOTHER_OF]-(who:Person)
RETURN who.name


This may not be the answer you're looking for, but I hope it's helpful.

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