Offline mode in Neo4j Desktop 1.4.7


I am unable to find a setting in Neo4j Desktop 1.4.7 for offline mode on Windows. I work in a semi-closed environment that has strict firewall rules for external access by applications - which means some HTTP requests are ok and others are not.

Neo4J Desktop is failing in a few ways:

  1. I get these messages in the browser

An error occurred while processing Graph Application Download from Cannot resolve graph app type. Please check your internet connection or Graph App link.
The following logs may help you diagnose the issue:
Desktop logs


An error occurred while processing Graph Application Neo4j Etl Ui. Cannot resolve graph app type. Please check your internet connection or Graph App link.

The following logs may help you diagnose the issue:* Desktop logs

When I try to create a local graph DBMS I get the following:

DBMS failed to create: Error: Could not find any version of neo4j-jwt-addon compatible with Neo4j 4.3.1

The following logs may help you diagnose the issue:* Desktop logs

  1. The log shows this once:

[2021-08-03 08:04:28.148] [info] Online check request:
[2021-08-03 08:04:28.278] [warn] Failed to get DBMS path through Relate Error: Relate DBMS with tag neo4j-desktop-dbms-database-72de938f-c1a7-4d44-8b11-47832ab5e40c not found
at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at Maybe.getOrElse (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\node_modules@relate\types\dist\monads\monad.js:102:46)
at Maybe.getOrElse (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\node_modules@relate\types\dist\monads\primitive\maybe.monad.js:93:22)
at Object.P (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async Object.t.neo4jPath (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async Object.exists (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
[2021-08-03 08:04:28.306] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at Object.t.getManifest (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async y.resolveConfig (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async M (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async Promise.all (index 1)
at async L.getGraphApps (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
[2021-08-03 08:04:28.314] [info] Graph Apps: Removing installed but not configured
[2021-08-03 08:04:28.320] [warn] Failed to parse manifest file for Graph-App[neo4j-bloom]. Error: Graph-App[neo4j-bloom] does not contain manifest.json
at Object.t.getManifest (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async y.resolveConfig (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async M (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\
at async Promise.all (index 1)
at async L.getGraphApps (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\dist\

  1. In the log shows the following (numerous times)

[2021-08-03 08:03:18.785] [info] Online check request:
[2021-08-03 08:03:23.792] [error] Online check error: {
name: 'TimeoutError',
message: 'Promise timed out after 5000 milliseconds',
stack: 'TimeoutError: Promise timed out after 5000 milliseconds\n' +
' at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktop\resources\app.asar\node_modules\p-timeout\index.js:27:54)\n' +
' at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)\n' +
' at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)'
[2021-08-03 08:03:53.779] [info] Online check request:
