Hi all!
I'm new in neo4j and want to start my first project.
OS Windows 7 x64, Neo4j Version 4.1.3, Neo4j Desktop Version: 1.3.11
I have to work in offline mode (no internet connection on host)
In first I'm create project, then create database. But an error occured during startup: "Database failed to start: Database process terminated, see logs.. Check the logs"
If this is the first attempt to create a database of a particular version, you MUST be online because Neo4j Desktop needs to dowload the bits for that version of the database. Can you try again online?
I'am uninstall neo, reboot and install it again being online. But the problem remaind during db starting.
There are errors in debug like "Unsupported component state for 'multi-database': The sub-graph is unsupported because it is too old, this component cannot function" and other.