Not receiving my Neo4j-Certified-Professional

Hi, I have completed the Neo4j Certification Test Successfully with over 86.5% and I'm not receiving my Certificate, can anyone please help? my email is

Hello @miguelmadriz ,

We are looking into this problem and will keep you posted.


We now have certificates available from GraphAcademy.

1. Sign in to GraphAcademy at

2. At the top of the page, Select My Account > My Achievements

3. Click on your certificate.

4. If you scroll down on the certificate page, you will see options for sharing it with others.

Let us know if you do not see your certificate there.

If you passed the Neo4j Certified Professional exam, you qualify for a free t-shirt.
Here is the form for ordering the t-shirt:

@elaine_rosenber please let me know if there is any progress. I'm still not receiving my certificate.

Thanks so much I have received the mail with certificate link.

Have a nice day.


Hello @elaine_rosenber , I completed Neo4j Certification professional with 87% on 27-07-2022.But I have not received any link or certificate(in pdf format). I get a message Pending Results... in place of the certificate. How can I download it please provide me the detail... my email :