Neosemantics "Detecting n10s plugin..." Never Completes

Thanks to @dana_canzano for solving my problem installing the Neosemantics plugin.

However, even though the n10s procedurals show up, and I'm getting a ping from the RDF server, I'm not able to get the Neosematics Graph App to launch.

When I try to launch the Neosemantics Graph App, I see this message:
Neosemantics has dependencies
My First Graph DBMS is missing the plugin dependencies required by Neosemantics.
Missing dependencies

  • Neosemantics (n10s)

When I press the Install dependencies button, I get the message Detecting n10s plugin...
with a spinning wheel of death that never returns.

Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 10.45.08 PM

What am I missing?

MacOS Sonoma 14.1
Neo4j Desktop Version 1.6.0 (
Neosemantics JAR file: neosemantics-5.20.0.jar


Hi @jeroen.lapre1 Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm getting the exact same issue. The ping returns; 'show procedures' show the n10s. I've checked that the .jar file is in the correct location

But still getting the spinning wheel like in your message after I select the Install dependencies button. Also the plugins tab of the dbms for Neosemantics states 'No compatible version found'.

I'll keep trawling for clues....

it looks like n10s is not updated yet - I am trying to upgrade my docker and still waiting for that upgrade to happen.

Many thanks for your reply

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