Thanks to @dana_canzano for solving my problem installing the Neosemantics plugin.
However, even though the n10s procedurals show up, and I'm getting a ping from the RDF server, I'm not able to get the Neosematics Graph App to launch.
When I try to launch the Neosemantics Graph App, I see this message: Neosemantics has dependencies
My First Graph DBMS is missing the plugin dependencies required by Neosemantics. Missing dependencies
Neosemantics (n10s)
When I press the Install dependencies button, I get the message Detecting n10s plugin...
with a spinning wheel of death that never returns.
What am I missing?
Setup: MacOS Sonoma 14.1 Neo4j Desktop Version 1.6.0 (
Neosemantics JAR file: neosemantics-5.20.0.jar
Hi @jeroen.lapre1 Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm getting the exact same issue. The ping returns; 'show procedures' show the n10s. I've checked that the .jar file is in the correct location
But still getting the spinning wheel like in your message after I select the Install dependencies button. Also the plugins tab of the dbms for Neosemantics states 'No compatible version found'.