also note the link to the Installation you describe in original post is
and note the reference to /4.1/ and to which this doc does work if you were installing Neo4j 4.1 with Neosemantics.
However the 5x doc and at is the current install doc and does report you should run show procedures
Hi @dana_canzano.
Thanks for pointing those items out.
The good news is that the show procedures command is returning a number of n10s. procedures!
And :GET http://localhost:7474/rdf/ping does return a ping!
However, when I try to launch the neosemantics Graph App, I get the following message: Neosemantics has dependencies My First Graph DBMS is missing the plugin dependencies required by Neosemantics. Missing dependencies Neosemantics (n10s)
When I press the Install dependencies button, I get the message Detecting n10s plugin...
with a spinning wheel of death that never returns.
My previous steps showed that the n10s plugin was successfully installed.
Why isn't the Neosemantics Graph App finding it?
Hi @dana_canzano. Thanks for helping me solve my Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound problem.
I'm marking that part of this thread as solved.
I posted a separate message about the Detecting n10s plugin... problem.