Neo4jDesktop Activation Key Won't Render

I have had to download and re-download Neo4j Desktop many times b/c it stops working. I recently migrated to a new PC with windows 11 for work. I tried downloading and didn't work. So I uninstalled and also went through and deled all neo4j and .neo4j files on the computer that the uninstall missed. Now, I tried to download again, and the issue is that the activation key never renders and the download won't start. I clicked on the little link it says to click on if it doesn't start and it gives me this (HOST ID WAS CHANGED):

<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
<Key>neo4j-desktop/win-offline/Neo4j Desktop Setup .exe</Key>

I have no idea how to get past this.

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I'm having the exact same issue!

Really bummed because I would love to investigate if Neo4j could be a good paid enterprise solution for my organization, but since I'm on a timeline I'll have to utilize a different software stack and move one, like the Apache AGE extension for Postgres.

I got a response from support. I believe they confirmed that there is an issue with the site. They are working to fix. I would give it another try mid-next-week. The other thing they suggested (but it didn't work for me) is to try a different browser like Firefox.

Based on what I read on the project’s landing page, I doubt it will be nearly as capable and performant compared to neo4j. It is a graph database abstraction on top of a relational database. I suspect they are storing the nodes in tables and the relationships in other tables. As such, traversing a graph would consists of recursive joins. Neo4j avoids this by storing direct references to relationships.

Anyway, this is all speculation on my part, but it would be interesting to observe the performance and capability differences. I would not assume they are equal implementations of a graph database. Neo4j was built specifically for this problem.

Oh yes I completely agree with you.

Unfortunately I have deadlines and project specs to write up. Buggy web interfaces and activation keys that never load are not helping Neo4j's case as a platform ready for production. It's a bummer on my end.

(my field is research so we tend to not care too much about database performance in terms of speed but instead consistency and stability)

I tried with chrome from last Thursday in macos. But it didn't work. Today try with another browser(safari) and it worked for me.