Neo4j pattern mining algorthims

My task is to mine for patterns in my neo4j database, for which I have been till now using a script which uses gspan algorithm (based on depth search first), but it did not serve my purpose.

I would like to know if I can use any other pattern mining algorithms which is compatible with neo4j?

Hi @manpa.barman97,

Do any of the graph data science library algos work for your needs?

Not exactly, I want to mine for frequent subgraph patterns in my graph and no gds library algos serve the purpose here.

Okay, sounds like you might need to create a custom graph projection that works better for your use-case.

Have you looked at using gds.graph.project.cypher?

Hello @manpa.barman97 :slight_smile:

Currently, this type of algorithms is not implemented in the Graph Data Science plugin.

The discussion on this subject had already started here.

The other solution is to implement them in Java by using the Pregel API of GDS.

Best regards,

Yes, I have tried it too but was not of much help.

I see. I would try the other solution of Pregel API.
Thank you so much for the help.

I'd love to hear the results if you come to a solution if possible :)