How can I connect the data importer to neo4j ?
Thanks and Regards
How can I connect the data importer to neo4j ?
Thanks and Regards
Thank you!
(migrated from khoros post https://community.neo4j.com/t5/neo4j-graph-platform/neo4j-connection-to-data-importer/m-p/58274#M34749)
provides a tutorial and specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI2XZOf4hVY&t=500s shows how to connect to Neo4j
Actually I am struggling with my credentials may be setup issue but I gave right credentials. what to do?
Hi Dana - I am a newly certified in Neo4j and very much enjoyed the instruction video on the Data Importer in the Graph Academy. But is the importer currently designed to work with Neo4j Desktop.? My question is similar to the one being asked here where when I am using Neo4j Desktop and within the Data Importer use Protocol = neo4j and for Connection URL I use the one you suggested of bolt://localhost:7687 - I get an error of 'Could not perform discovery. No routing servers available.'
I am guessing that the Data Importer is not yet ready to connect to Neo4j Desktop? Or am I not providing the right info?
Hi sfd,
I have faced same issue. So you should use Neo4j AuraDB credentials. It works.
Thank you!
Thanks and Regards
Please can you try accessing it from http://data-importer.graphapp.io
I think you need to use the non https connection to be able to use it with Deskop