Data Importer for Desktop App?


Just starting with GraphDB and Neo4j while going through some introduction trainings and it seems many of them are outdated, so allow me to ask some beginner questions here:

  • Since I'm a beginner I really would prefer to use the Data Importer to build my first PoC databases from existing data, but this seems to be only available online? Is it possible to use the Data Importer with the desktop app at all?
  • Should I still bother with the desktop app, or just go for AuraDB or just use the online sandbox for now?
  • Can I connect the online Data Importer to the sandbox DB, or will it only work with Aura?
  • How secure is the sandbox and/or AuraDB? Is it safe to use with personal data? Or should I stick to the local DB and the desktop app in that case?
