Neo4J Azure VM and Graph Plugins

Super excited about GraphQL opportunity. How is it possible to use GraphQL plugin with Neo4J on Azure ? Is it possible to do this without the need for Apolo and the javascript libraries ?
Thanks for any help you can offer.

Hello ceo,

You can use the GraphQL plugin from here GitHub - neo4j-graphql/neo4j-graphql: GraphQL bindings for Neo4j, generates and runs Cypher. Please read the readme.adoc.
Manual installation steps are in Advanced Usage in readme.adoc
You will need to download and copy the jar file to your plugins folder (steps 1 and 2) and modify your neo4j.conf as per steps 3 and 4 under Manual Installation. Don't forget to restart Neo4j after doing these 5 steps.

This will obviate the need for Apollo, as the GraphQL endpoint is now an extension to the Neo4j server, and the js that would be part of the API portion of a GrandStack that is using GraphQL and Apollo. Usually you will still need js for the React portion of talking to the GraphQL Endpoint.

More hints here: Using The Neo4j-GraphQL Plugin In Neo4j Desktop | by William Lyon | GRANDstack - GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database

and of course look at
