Neo4j 4.0 Support

When a version that is compatible with Neo4j 4.0 is expected to be released?

As @michael_simons1 already answered here.

Neo4j-OGM using Bolt is compatible with Neo4j 4.0 since Neo4j-OGM 3.2.3.
We don't support the embedded version and probably won't do for some time.
See our Versions page here: Versions · neo4j/neo4j-ogm Wiki · GitHub

What are the best practice to use Neo4j 4.0 (SDN) and having integration tests?
Currently my test dependencies are using the 3.5.x Version of embedded db.
Is there a sample github repo of the recommended setup/dependencies with Spring Data Neo4j using 4.0 and still having unit / integration tests?

Thank you for your support

I would suggest using TestContainers for testing your application. @michael.simons wrote a nice post about this Testing your Neo4j-based Java application | by Michael Simons | Neo4j Developer Blog | Medium (section Neo4j Testcontainer)