Embedded instance (browser access and configuration)

Hello, I am using spring-data-neo4j on my project with embedded database. Neo4j version is 3.5.17, spring-boot 2.2.6.RELEASE.
Here is my application.yml:

    name: my-app
        enabled: true
      username: neo4j
      password: secret
      uri: file:///tmp/${spring.application.name}/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db

And pom.xml:


Two questions:
how can I look at my graph via browser, in other words, how can I say to my embedded neo4j instance to expose bolt?
If I want to pass neo4j.conf (I need to increase page size, heap etc), how can I do that using starndard spring-boot property sources?

To the Q#1: I'm working with the version 4.1, Bolt connector can be added to the embedded database. :point_right: official doc here But I don't know if it was implemented for version 3.5 .
To the Q#2: Again, with version 4.1, neo4j.conf file can be passed to DatabaseManagementService instance with DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder().loadPropertiesFromFile("/path/to/neo4j.conf"), I guess those settings would be acceptable, or you can try the setConfig() method of the builder class. :point_right: explanation here