Details of my setup:
|IP address|localhost|
ran below code: (Just FYI: I ran this code previously a few days ago-worked fine then and now not)
// Creating INTERACTS_WITH Edge between Session nodes and Novel Nodes
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
'LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///webnovel.csv" AS row RETURN row',
'MATCH (session:Session {SessionId: toInteger(row.SessionId)})
MATCH (novel:Novel {ItemId: toInteger(row.ItemId)})
CREATE (session)-[r:INTERACTS_WITH]->(novel)
SET r.TimeStr = row.TimeStr,
r.Expose = toInteger(row.Expose),
r.Click = toInteger(row.Click),
r.Intro = toInteger(row.Intro),
r.Read = toInteger(row.Read),
r.RealRead = toInteger(row.RealRead),
r.Collect = toInteger(row.Collect),
r.ReadDuration = toFloat(row.ReadDuration)',
{batchSize: 1000, iterateList: true}
got following error:
I checked the community and followed their instructions and noticed that in the settings of my Neo4j Browser already got:
I restarted my Neo4j Browser and even reinstalled it -- am not sure why this is happening