
Hi all,
I trying to run call"apoc")
but i am facing the bellow error
There is no procedure with the name registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

I have already kept two apoc plugins

and also i have uncommented below line in config files

still facing same issue. can anyone help me?

What is the path to the folder you are showing? Is it the database’s plugin folder?

these are the jar files in the Plugins directory.


you indicate you have,my.procedures.*,apoc.*

do you have procedures named myextension.example and myprocedures.* ?


I get the same behavior as you. However per

A list of procedures (comma separated) that are to be loaded. The list may
 contain both fully-qualified procedure names, and partial names with
 the wildcard . The default () loads all procedures. If no value is specified,
 no procedures will be loaded.

so given your definition we would only expect APOC procedures name poc.coll.* and apoc.load.* as well as procedures named gds.*.

And this is expected for running

@neo4j> show procedures yield name where name contains 'apoc' return name;
| name                                  |
| "apoc.coll.elements"                  |
| "apoc.coll.pairWithOffset"            |
| "apoc.coll.partition"                 |
| "apoc.coll.split"                     |
| "apoc.coll.zipToRows"                 |
| "apoc.load.arrow"                     |
| ""              |
| "apoc.load.csv"                       |
| "apoc.load.csvParams"                 |
| ""                 |
| ""       |
| ""      |
| ""    |
| "" |
| "apoc.load.driver"                    |
| "apoc.load.html"                      |
| "apoc.load.htmlPlainText"             |
| "apoc.load.jdbc"                      |
| "apoc.load.jdbcUpdate"                |
| "apoc.load.json"                      |
| "apoc.load.jsonArray"                 |
| "apoc.load.jsonParams"                |
| "apoc.load.ldap"                      |
| "apoc.load.parquet"                   |
| "apoc.load.xls"                       |
| "apoc.load.xml"                       |

so given your configuration is it expected that call reports no procedures with this name

so @dana_canzano
shall i comment out the whole config like,my.procedures.,apoc.
I am not using any myextensions or my.procedures as of now. I am using apoc.* .

What shall i do then :frowning: