I have the following query, where I aim to MERGE a list of $nodes:
`MATCH (u:User { id: $userId })
UNWIND $nodes AS map
MERGE (n:ProjectNode { id: map.id })
n.createdAt = timestamp(),
n.isCreated = true
n.updatedAt = timestamp(),
n.isCreated = false
SET n += map
WITH n, u, p
CALL apoc.do.when(n.isCreated,
"MERGE (u)-[:AUTHORED]->(n) REMOVE n.isCreated RETURN u as author",
"MATCH (a:User)-[:AUTHORED]->(n) REMOVE n.isCreated RETURN a as author",
{ n: n, u: u })
YIELD value
WITH n, p, value.author as author
CALL apoc.do.when(EXISTS(n.assignee),
"MATCH (a:User { id: n.assignee }) CREATE (a)-[:ASSIGNEE]->(n) REMOVE n.assignee RETURN a as assignee",
"MATCH (a:User)-[:ASSIGNEE]->(n) RETURN a as assignee",
{ n: n })
YIELD value
RETURN n, p, author as author, value.assignee as assignee`,
{ nodes, userId })
In this query, I am iterating through $nodes by using unwind, and for each node I wish to a) set any of the supplied properties, b) create a relationship to an author if the node is being created on merge, else return the existing author, and c) create a relationship to an assignee if the "assignee" key is specified in the node, else return the existing assignee. For some reason, adding the second CALL statement to conditionally create the assignee causes the entire query to return zero records. If I remove the second CALL statement (along with the subsequent YIELD), the query seems to work fine. Anyone know why this might be the case?